EDGE4 (16-Feb-2013) Launch Summary
Power-on Time: | 08:40 AM | Balloon: | 1600g Hwoyee | |
Launch Time: | 08:55 AM | Total Weight: | 5 lbs | |
Burst Time: | 01:02 PM | Total Lift (neck): | 6.5 lbs | |
Landing Time: | 01:45 AM | Max Altitude: | 106,504 feet | |
Recovery Time: | 01:50 PM | Distance: | 165 miles |
Payload (and other) Details
This flight featured two payloads important to the underlying architecture of our primary research focus (BEACON). RF Design provided a pair of their new 900MHz ISM-band radios, the RFD900 for a head-to-head comparison with the Digi 9xTend radios that we've relied on for years. Additionally, HackHD sponsored a shperical video payload - 6 HD video cameras arranged to provide 360x180 degree video coverage. All the details are below...